Jasmine Roberts

Emotional Well-being Coach
Intuitive Emotional Breakthrough Mentor
Glitter Extraordinaire

My Story

Life is full of unknowns. Often times we carry these subliminal thought patterns that we allow others to project on us. We take them as truth in who we are. Is this truly who we are? Is that who you truly believe you are? I certainly pray that isn't the case.

For years I believed that I was unworthy. Only because a group of people taught me that I wasn't. I didn't think I was, but because of who these people were, I felt unworthy in my day to day dealings. Years of feeling like I wasn't worthy enough to receive all of the good things I saw happening to other people lead into jealousy, self-destructive thoughts about myself, self-destructive thoughts about other people, being highly judgmental, a people pleaser, trying to do anything to gain the approval of other people, and an all around very unhappy negative person. I just couldn't figure out why I couldn't be happy like everyone else in the world was. 

Many Years Later...

Fast forward many years and I was introduced to the Law of Attraction. I fell head over feet in love with it. I only grasped the beginning stages of it because my limiting beliefs of not being worthy kept me from fully diving in. That did not stop me from seeking further though. That was when I knew knowledge was something I was thirsting for.

Life happens and I slipped back into my not so positive world. Not really knowing any better. Life had dealt my family and I really bad hand financially, but also left us with some very long lasting friendships that we still adore to this day. After losing it all again my family was introduced to 3 day retreat. I was given some very amazing tools to help myself rethink. I learned so much. It was then that I wanted to learn more on how to help people heal.

After this amazing transformation in my families lives we up and moved to Arizona for business reasons. While here we have lived with a family member in a 1 bedroom apartment with 3 kids. My husband and I slept on the couch cushions in the kitchen, while my 3 kids slept on the floor in front of the TV. It wasn't the most ideal situation for anyone involved, but it really makes who we are and where we are even more significant.

I was driving Taxi and I hated it, but I kept my head held high and we saved enough to be able to move out of this 1 bedroom apartment with my very giving brother into a 3700 sq ft house. All of us. We deserved it! We worked hard for it. This home brought us much joy and pain. We brought home our 4th and final child here. Our beautiful loving, one and only boy. We went through loss of incomes, a hard working corporate job, and learning how to work for ourselves again. Phoenix's rising from the ashes yet again. 

Life was a struggle trying to keep a positive outlook when all we were seeing was one heartache after another. I lost my father to a battle of cancer and that was when I completely lost myself. His Angel wings brought my own siblings back together. I went home and lost who I was. I focused on wanting to be anywhere other than where I could see the memories of him. 

One day after losing our home and scrambling to find a new place to live so quickly I sat at my computer screen and I remember thinking, "this can't be all there is to life. This can't be what God had in mind for me, for us." I was a broken mess and was finally ready to fix me. It was literally not more than 2 minutes later that I stumbled upon an ad on social media for a conference in an area of healing I wanted to go into. I bought a ticket with what little money we had. 

That conference changed my entire thought pattern. This amazing beautiful lady was on stage. I heard her story and I knew that no matter what I could heal from the stuff that I had been doing myself. What she said changed everything. That moment I knew I wanted to do what she was doing. I almost cried that day because there just wasn't enough funds for me to take her course. Sitting there I vowed I would take her course at her next conference. 

The year that passed by until the next conference came around was big for me. Self-help books became my friend. I was learning how to love myself again. I refused to believe the things that I allowed people to say about me. The things that I felt were what defined me as a person. I stepped into that next conference with the confidence of introducing myself to the lady I knew I wanted to be my mentor. The main event coordinator. I wanted her to know me, and I wanted to know her. 

Sitting in that conference room was yet again another life changing experience. She got up on that stage and told more of her story. This time I was waiting for her announce her course. Once she mentioned it I was on my phone and in line to sign up. That course was the pivotal turning point in my personal healing. I healed so much of myself in the previous year, that pushing forward to do even more. To dig deeper. To heal things that were so deep that it was uncomfortable and freeing at the same time. I can look at people who are hurting and I can see the positive energetic path that they are destined for. I am that person who loves to help people figure out to help themselves heal. You see, I am just the facilitator in your healing journey. I help guide you on the path that your personal energy, subconscious self, wants your conscious self to take. 

Wait, am I saying that we have a subconscious and conscious side? You betcha! The roles that each one plays is so significant in who we are. Most of us don't even realize when our subconscious is talking to us, others of us have an idea of what it is but are scared of it because of the things the world has said and taught to us. You are told that you are bad, wrong, or even crazy! I know this personally. I even had family members telling me that I was listening to the Satan when I would say that I could hear what it.  I would pray and God reassured me that I was not crazy or listening to the Satan.

Your intuition is the one thing in your life that you should be able to trust! Like, seriously!! Going through and learning how to listen to that again is something I guide you through to trust and hear again. You learn to trust yourself, love yourself, and set healthy boundaries one by one. 

In the process of trusting yourself again I facilitate some time each of your 7 main energy centers. In the world of Healers these are also known as Chakras. Each energy center is associated with physical organs, but also to memories. Let's take heartbreak as an example. When we get our hearts broken we feel it in our hearts. Our heart aches for that loss. That heart ache can manifest as some heart issues for example. Or some kind of dis-ease in our body. The healing skill I have been blessed with is to connect with your energy and see what that Heart Energy Center needs to help resolve issues. There are so many different scenarios and so many things I have been able to help people with that they had no idea was causing an issue. Our bodies are made of energy, so many particles of energy it still amazes me each time I connect with someone. 

Helping people heal is my absolute passion. My husband was my very first  Energy session. I remember him asking me what he needed to do. I told him to just sit there on the couch and relax. I asked him if it was ok if I connected with him. He gave me this weird look like, "do you need to ask?" Hahaha! I sat next to him and allowed my subconscious energy to feel his energy. I remember going through and healing some wounds that had surfaced recently in our home. I asked him questions that arose and he was able to answer them and we released some of those feelings he was having. He needed to have some lingering negative emotions cleared that he didn't know he was hanging on to. I remember after I was done I moved over to hug him and I could feel the energy of his heart. It was so happy. I could feel it radiating and it made me cry! I cried with such joy and emotion to be able to facilitate that for him and that I was able to feel that afterwards.

I  have many stories about doing energy healing sessions with my kids. Listening to them tell these stories and hearing others who look at it with disbelief to turn and look at me and I confirm what they have said. Have I mentioned that helping heal people is my passion? You deserve to heal. To learn to feel like you. When I connect with you and start working and clearing is what comes natural to me.

When you find yourself nodding in agreement with me about some of the things going on with you in your life, that nudge is a great way to know that a session with me is for you. Come join me in helping me help you. <3  

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